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SynthFlux2024 Scientific days of the GDR Synth Flux 2024

Ryma presented her thesis work at the Journées du GDR Synth Flux 2024 which took place on 4 and 5 June 2024 at the Grandville site of the LRGP in Nancy ( and was organised by colleagues from the LRGP. A presentation of the microfluidic continuous flow experimental pilot for studying the oxidation kinetics of … Read more

Visit of Ryma at the University of Dayton Research Institute

During a trip to the USA, Ryma had the opportunity to visit the laboratories run by Steven Zabarnik working on the oxidation stability of fuels and associated analytical techniques as part of work with the FAA. The visit, organised by Matthew DeWitt and Zachary West, provided an opportunity for interesting discussions on the various experimental … Read more

French Chemical Society – Lorraine Scientific Day 2023

Ryma presented her thesis work at the Journée Scientifique 2023 – SCF Lorraine, which took place on 15 May 2023 at the Faculté de Sciences in Vandoeuvre-les-Nancy ( Her results on the quantification of hydroperoxides in liquid fuels using titration and absorption methods and their coupling to an HPLC chain were the subject of an … Read more

Journée François Lacas des Doctorants en Combustion

Several PhD students from the BioSCOPE project took part in the JDD organized in Lyon by the Groupement Français de Combustion. Fabiola presented a poster on automating the calculation of theoretical kinetic data for the tabulated transition state method. Ryma presented her simulation work on the influence of aging on the combustion properties of a … Read more

Fabiola’s stay at Argonne National Laboratory

Between August and October 2023, Fabiola visited the Argonne National Laboratory to study alkane initiation reactions in Stephen Klippenstein’s group (LUE DrEAM grant). Her stay enabled her to acquire skills in kinetic constant calculations for barrierless reactions, using the VRC-VTST method, which will be used in the BioSCOPE project.

JEEP 2023

Francisco presented his work on the prediction of solvation quantities for molecules and free radicals in liquid and supercritical solvents with an oral presentation at the Journées d’Études des Équilibres entre Phases, held in Rouen in October 2023.


Francisco presented a poster at the PPEPPD conference (International Conference on Properties and Phase Equilibria for Product and Process Design) in Tarragona, Spain (May 2023). On this occasion, he presented a predictive equation of state for calculating the solvation properties of molecules and free radicals, as well as for phase equilibrium calculations. This work is … Read more

DrEAM scholarship for Fabiola !

Congratulations to Fabiola on receiving her DrEAM scholarship from Lorraine University of Excellence (LUE)! DrEAM (Doctor, Explore and Achieve More) is a program set up to promote the international mobility of PhD students. This grant will enable Fabiola to spend 2 months with Stephen Klippenstein’s team at Argonne National Laboratory, acquiring new skills in kinetics … Read more

2023 European Researchers’ Night

Ryma, Baptiste, Philippe and Pierre-Alexandre took part in the 19th European Researcher’s Night on the Saulcy campus in Metz, on 29/09/23. BioSCOPE project challenges were presented to the public who came to meet us in the Bernard-Marie Koltès space.