Official BioSCOPE kick-off meeting

Home » Official BioSCOPE kick-off meeting

The official meeting to kick off the BioSCOPE project took place on Thursday June 23 at the LRGP premises on the ENSIC site.

The morning was devoted to the presentation of the work undertaken since September 2021:

  • Baptiste Sirjean : “Presentation of the ERC CoG BioSCOPE project”
  • Fabiola Citrangolo-Destro : “Development of an automatic generator of kinetic models for gas and liquid phase oxidation
  • Ryma Benrabah : “Experimental study of the impact of sustainable biofuels on the oxidation stability and combustion pollutants of fuels
  • Francisco Paes : “High-throughput thermodynamic methods combined with oxidation stability models of sustainable biofuels

Following this morning, a lunch was held with all the personnel of the departments (SERM, SAFIC, SIEL, logistics) and of the research areas of the laboratory which participate in the smooth running of the project.